Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by Quantum2003
80-100 problems in 5 minutes
100 problems in 5 minutes is 3 seconds per question; The online version I took was 50 problems in 60 seconds, or 1.2 seconds per question. For me, typing was the time constraint. If anyone does the online 50 in 60 and finishes, let us know! Or let us know how many you are able to finish, if you care to.

OP, how many problems is dd challenged to complete in one minute in school?

Well as I did further digging, he didn't have to do that many, but they were negative integer problems with multi-digits. And the fewer problems is probably a disadvantage because, for instance, one test he only had one left to do and he got an 85. So...not quite the minute math that he used to do, not as many, but these required more thinking--particularly because he only learned about negative numbers a couple of months ago. Given this, I'm actually impressed he did as well as he did.

So I guess now I have more of an understanding of why...but I still don't like the message this gives.

Last edited by KADmom; 12/18/13 05:44 PM.