Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by KADmom
I hope you don't mind if I vent here. I'm feeling so frustrated with ds12's school for a variety of reasons which I won't go into here. This is about math.

Some background: ds's processing speed is low average. There is over 4 standard deviations between that and his VCI. He has always hated timed tests. He basically freezes up when the pressure's on.
Because of the speed factor, he's never felt confident in math despite getting As in previous years. I've been trying to teach him that fast in math doesn't necessary mean good, and conversely, slow in math doesn't mean bad.
Since both class tests and standardized tests are timed, speed is important. To do algebra quickly you need to know your math facts cold. If 7th graders don't know their addition and multiplication tables, I think it is appropriate for the teacher to quiz them.

Bostonian, I do understand that. However, this is an advanced math group. They know their facts. Ds knows his facts cold. His mind freezes under pressure. I know it's a hard thing to understand unless you've seen it first hand or experience it yourself. My dh has a similar reaction to pressure. He's a brilliant man and a methodical thinker. When we would get together with couples and play password, I could never understand why urging him to hurry up had the opposite effect. Now, seeing it in ds, it's all clicked.

Last edited by KADmom; 12/18/13 12:28 PM.