Went to the meeting. The special ed guy that tested DS said he was amazed and has never seen anything like that (guess he doesn't get too many 2e kids, although he's also been a general ed teacher). Everyone was laughing about the "Very Superior" categorizations. He said DS was solving word problems with several steps in his head without writing anything down. He said that DS was solving problems he himself would find challenging (what?!). Anyway, he said it's a huge problem that DS does not show work and he has to be able to write stuff down. I said that I agree but DS is going to need to learn math, not just writing, and if it's all about writing, he is going to hate math. I asked what their solution is. No one said anything. The whole meeting was about how they are going to pull him out for this, that and the other thing (even adapted PE), but they didn't talk at all about accommodations in the classroom. The whole focus is going to be on getting him to write legibly and proficient with other motor skills.
What if he is never going to write well? I asked if there is a way for him to do math without writing (for instance ipad or computer) and no one knew of anything and acted like I'm just trying to get him off the hook and he's not going to learn if he never writes. That's not what I meant--just that there's a limit to how much he can write. We did talk about graph paper, but whether it will actually be used in the classroom, who knows.

So while I'm glad they are going to give him services, I don't know if they understand that this is a disability and he's probably always going to struggle. It's not a delay. Sigh. The special ed director was there and he seemed to understand what I was getting at about needing modifications, so once I get the draft of the IEP I will probably call him.

They also completely ignored the fact that he's so far ahead in math (and reading as well)--it didn't even cross their minds that it's bizarre for him to be doing 1st grade math, and I didn't feel like getting into it with 10 people there. I might schedule a meeting with just the principal, and if that doesn't work, send DS's test results to the district psych.