DS has 1/2" graph paper for lining things up, and for tests, the teacher (or an aide, I assume) is actually cutting and pasting to give DS enough space. Since she discovered a lot of kids needed something like that, all have the graph paper and expanded tests now. He gets nagging for explaining his work.

I see a huge amount of grey area on how much math DS "deserves" to learn as limited by his significantly younger age. DS has no documented disability in this area, and age is not a disability. (He does have documented disabilities which I think certainly affect this, but I have no ground to stand on here because the folks that wrote the diagnosis report didn't think so.)

Certain skills really need to be in place before he hits algebra. Even if cognitively he's ready, if the rest of the student isn't, then our position is to scratch the math itch another way and work to get the rest of the skills in place. YMMV.

Last edited by geofizz; 11/19/13 10:20 AM.