^ yes, to all of what polarbear has stated above.

Of course
Honestly, I think that counting by 2 in 2nd grade math is a huge red flag of a low-level curriculum for any children, not just high ability kids!

Special emphasis on this point from my perspective-- if the curriculum itself is moving THIS slowly/remedially, that is a red flag all of its own.

Such a school is not likely to be capable of providing (long-term) for the needs of an HG+ child who is years beyond even rigorous/good age-level curriculum.

In other words, if you're trying to bridge a 2 y gap with in-class differentiation, that's one thing... but what if it's 5y? 6y? frown

I think that you may need to see an overview of the scope and sequence here for the next two or three years in order to come up with even a short-range plan. It's going to take a lot of energy to make this work, I think-- best to know now whether this is a reasonable case of "fixer-upper" or if you're basically dealing with a completely draining, ongoing advocacy situation. That way you can make decisions accordingly.

Good luck.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.