Originally Posted by ElizabethN
I like the American Girl emotions book. I think it's called "The Care and Keeping of My Emotions" or something like that.
Yes! That is another great one. So glad you mentioned it.

A recent sports news story highlights that issues of friendship (and related issues of teamwork, maintaining healthy boundaries) extend well beyond pre-school and elementary school, continuing into adulthood. Here is one analysis of the recent development on a pro football team: (link- http://growingleaders.com/blog/bullying-nfl-leadership-issue/).

Some have found that pre-teens and teens, developing a sense of independence, may be particularly vulnerable as they learn about forming boundaries for healthy friendships and avoiding various forms of exploitation. The leader guide for Unmasking Sexual Con Games may be a valuable aid to keeping relationships healthy. Interested parents/guardians may find it helpful for coaching children to develop skill in building safe friendships, detecting manipulation and "grooming" of all sorts, as well as being aware of any attempts in their own children (or among adults they may know) to manipulate or pressure others to step outside of ethical bounds. (link- http://www.boystownpress.org/index.php/unmasking-sexual-con-games-leaders-guide.html)