Originally Posted by indigo
There are books especially geared to gifted kids, as gifted kids may experience things more intensely. Great Potential Press, Prufrock Press, Royal Fireworks Press, Free Spirit Publishing, Hoagies Gifted Education Page, and the book "Some of my best friends are books" list out many titles for bibliotherapy.
I found a stack of old favorite books geared for kids. While these do not deal specifically with the loss of a friendship, they speak to the depth of emotion, and friendship in general. For older kids, parents may want to read the books first so they are prepared to engage in discussion. For young children, parents may want to read and select a thought or two to share.
1) Understanding Myself, A kid's guide to intense emotions and strong feelings by Mary C. Lamia PhD, Magination Press
2) Being Me, A kid's guide to boosting confidence and self-esteem by Wendy L. Moss PhD, Magination Press
3) 101 Success Secrets for Gifted Kids by Christine Fonseca, Prufrock Press
4) The Gifted Kids' Survival Guide for ages 10 & under by Judy Galbraith M.A., Free Spirit Publishing

Anyone else have books or thoughts to share?