My DS is also passive like that. When he fights me at home (usually with writing stuff), it usually just involves him giggling, goofing around, or walking away. As part of his IEP eval, they agreed to give him the WJ Achievement tests. At first they just wanted to do the writing section because his problem is writing, but I told them that as long as they are going to do it at all, they might as well do all of it so that maybe some efforts at differentiation can be made. This was about 7 weeks into the school year. The IEP manager argued that he should have been tested in the classroom for math and reading. I said that no out of level testing has been done. Then suddenly, the first grade teacher decided to give him the second grade written math test which she had been stalling on for weeks. I believe they are working on those WJ tests but who knows. Is there any way they can screw that up and give him questions that are still too easy? A special ed teacher is giving them to him, not the psych. I'm hoping that if those results are high I can use them to try to advocate. The teacher has already decided that he's a lower reading level than he was last January. Last Jan. in Kindergarten he was a Level O and had no problem reading books like the Mouse and the Motorcycle. Now we are back to a Level L with the teacher saying he needs to work on answering comprehension questions better (the kid is apraxic--how good does she think his verbal responses are really going to be?). I feel like we're sliding backwards and he is actually doing easier work in all areas this year than last year. That's why it's important to me to at least get him to do the Singapore Math at home--even just 10 minutes a day so he doesn't forget everything he already learned.