My main concern would be the teacher - although I don't know the teacher (and I suspect you don't really know her either). What you're hearing might be a teacher who is convinced this isn't going to work, or it could simply be a teacher who states all the reasons that could be issues up front and then falls in love with your ds and he'll have a wonderful experience and you'll never hear another potential negative statement again. My ds has had a teacher with a personality like that - when ds wanted to try something new and challenging she will spill out all the reasons it might not work - it would sound really intimidating and negative (to me) but not to dh - he was used to her style from being in her classroom, and he listened to what she had to say, and then moved forward - it was her way of preparing him for challenges he might face, rather than intended to discourage.

Originally Posted by somewhereonearth
When the teacher remarked that she didn't know how to give him a math grade given the crazy logistics,

I don't understand that at all, unless there are different grading systems for early elementary and 5th grade (like O/S/etc vs A/B/C)?
