In our meetings the teacher would hang her head at times. She wouldn't even look us in the eye. The school district ended up going overboard IMO and suggested we skip him and put him in middle school Honors Algebra 1. They had to accommodate us but I didn't have a good feeling about it.
I would ask "what is after that". These are the people who kept bringing up his not so stellar OLSAT scores.

There was one teacher at another elementary school in our system that sat in on one of our meetings. Her husband was the Principal at the High School. She was quiet but seemed to be on our side. We told her we were looking for a tutor to help once a week or so. She suggested a Senior boy who was one of the honor students at the high school. It ended up being one of the best experiences we could have hoped for. He made being smart at math very cool. Sometimes they just hang out and do a sudoku puzzle or play a game of checkers.