Originally Posted by glexchick
After grades K-3 in the RGC (acceleration 1 grade level beyond) things slowly deteriorated into a bad situation for my daughter and our family. I doubted her giftedness, contemplated conduct disorder as a possibility, and generally pulled my hair out. My son is autistic and gifted as well, so we have a lot of moving parts.

I'd echo yes on the EXPLORE. DS11 (autism/gifted) took it in 4th, loved the experience and it helped him start getting a handle on what his giftedness meant. He maxed out the test in 4th, so I was glad we did it then-- doing it later would not have helped us know as much.

Given that autism is in your family, I'd suggest having your DD evaluated for autism spectrum issues as well; what looks like conduct disorder can be anxiety-driven. Better to know than not to know.
