you'll receive sample questions after you sign her up. Anything other than that would defeat the whole purpose of above level testing: to see what your dd's capabilities are, not what she already knows. In other words, above level tests act more like ability tests than achievement.
We signed our ds11 up for it in 5th grade. No prep. Just the sample questions. One of the reasons we did it is we wanted our perfectionist son to see what it felt like to take a test for which he wasn't expected to know all the answers. He had our full permission to FAIL. He really, really needed to experience that and knowing that it was a test meant for eighth graders made it acceptable for ds.
We had no idea how far above the on-grade ceiling he was until he took that test. And because we didn't prep him, his subsequent iq test backed up the information we received from the above-level test.[i][/i]
It's really a great opportunity.
It sounds like you have great instincts though and you'll do what's best for your dd.

Last edited by KADmom; 10/07/13 08:55 AM.