So the path I've chosen for now is as follows: I've sent a lovely email recognizing that the teachers are busy and perhaps they may have overlooked my request. I've let them know that our situation is deteriorating and my concern has grown. I've also let them know that I will be there at a specific time and date this week in the classroom to help in the classroom and to get a sense of how my son is doing.

So response. Knowing this school (and how wacky and weird it is), I think what may be going on is that they don't want to GIVE me permission - they just want me to show up quietly. Their thinking is most likely, "if we give her permission, then we have to give everyone permission...but if she just shows up we won't stop her". This would not be the first time they have behaved this way. So, I'm going to show up and help out.

In the middle of this we are considering a grade skip and are now investigating 2E issues. It's a big tangled mess that I am looking forward to untangling.