DS is 7. The school is very open to parent helpers...just any time other than academic time. DS has no problems socially. I've already helped out many times during social times. He complains about academic time. The teacher says, "he's fine". My son comes home and complains about the academics and some days he refuses school because of it. I know it's a mismatch. We're in the middle of an evaluation to figure out what to do with him (grade skip possibly, 2E issues possibly). I'm trying to figure out HOW bad it is for him. It seems pretty bad if he is refusing to go to school. We may not have anything sorted out for months. I'm just trying to figure out how to make things better for him in the meantime.

I'm actually a licensed teacher and have offered my services pro bono to the school. They don't take me up on it and I KNOW they need it. I am super sweet, complementary...all the right things. And I still can't get in there. I don't want to have to cite some legal statute to get in there...but if I have to I will.