Gifted ed is not one-size-fits-all, and cluster grouping among gifted students helps accurately assess the readiness, ability, needs, and performance/achievement of each student thereby helping students to be with their LOG in each subject (among the HG+, still all are not globally gifted, some may have asynchronous development or be in a plateau phase... they are still cheetahs).

I'm curious if anyone has seen this done. My DD attends a full-day gifted magnet and one of its flaws is that there is very little tracking or grouping within the magnet. (They did do two groups for math once, but that's all I know of.) Interestingly, my DS attends the SAME school but is not in the magnet (he is in K and the magnet starts in 2), and he is ability grouped. I suspect they do not group the GT kids because parents might flip their lids about it, but that's just a theory.