Just putting butts in seats isn't really helping anyone if the heads attached don't have reasonable fit with the environment. It also doesn't benefit those who DO belong in that environment for instructional time to be wasted on the 1 in 4 who shouldn't really be there.
Absolutely agreed!

Please accept my apologies if I was unclear. To clarify, my point was about increasing the supply of advanced academics to meet demand for advanced academics. Cluster grouping based on readiness and ability was mentioned, as was individualized pacing, school-within-a-school, and a book about customized learning with a chart and quote about not squelching internal motivation. Please understand I was not addressing heads without a reasonable fit to the environment of advanced academics.

To be politically correct, and to score well on the news media's public school rankings which award points for unrestricted access to courses/programs such as AP and IB, many high schools will allow and encourage students to stretch and take courses for which they do not have readiness or ability. Possibly you are addressing this practice? The statistics you shared may be reflective of this.