I don't have any answers on EPGY or CTY. I am surprised that your DS6 has 30-45 min of homework every night! What grade is he in? My DD6 has about 5 minutes a night. Less if it is a math page and more if she whines for a while first about writing sentences. It seems like you wouldn't want to do much more formal curriculum on top of that on a daily basis. That being said, my DD6 is doing dreambox. She absolutely loves it. Some days I have to drag her off of it or she would stay for hours if she could. She doesn't do it every day though as she is too busy playing to think about it. She probably does it once or twice a week and she is still moving quickly through it with that frequency. My DD didn't have a huge love of math before we started dreambox and I am not sure she would have tolerated a curriculum that was less fun when we started although she might now that she realizes she is good at math and it can be fun. We started for pretty much the same reason...trying to fill up the holes since she had scattered skills all the way to 3 or 4th grade but too many holes to consider advancement.