Hi, I promised my DS6 that he would learn some math this year even if it had to be outside of school, and it looks like it is going to have to be done as an "after-schooling" activity. His school simply won't accelerate, only differentiate, and we haven't even seen that yet, although we are still hopeful.

Regardless, however, this would be the second year in a row in which he didn't learn any math other than what he taught himself if I don't sign him up for a course. Although he can and does teach himself a lot of math, I think he would benefit from a curriculum, and am considering using epgy math or cty accelerated math from grades 1-4.

How much time each day do they have to spend using it to really benefit? He doesn't get home until almost 4PM, and then only has a little free time, as he always has 30-45 minutes of homework. He has activities several days a week, so some days he probably has less than an hour of free time (not counting the time after dinner, which is a no homework time.) He loves math, but I don't think he will want to spend all of his free time doing it.

Would it be worth it if he only spends 15 minutes a day on it? I realize it is self-paced.

Would we better off trying to get him to use dreambox or k5learning? He doesn't really like IXL, as he doesn't like timed drills and doesn't just want to practice. He wants to LEARN more math, not just practice.

We are looking into different schooling options for next year, and it might be useful to have scores from CTY or EPGY. Even if we don't change schools, it still might be helpful.

Thanks in advance for any advice.

Last edited by momoftwins; 09/27/13 12:19 PM.