SAT scores are purged at the end of the year if you are younger than HS (so if you are 10, but you report that you are in 9th grade, the score will likely be kept). While my kids did not take the ACT, I hear kids say that their 7th grade scores still appear on their ACT account when they are in 12th.

If you want to use the SAT scores for a program later on, you might want to sign up through the program (CTY, TIP, WATS). You will have the scores sent to them so they have the official report. I don't know if they will accept a paper report from a test a few years old (and the score was not stored).

Also, the CB and ACT have become more security aware in the past year or so and require photo ID. I think they shouldn't require it for a younger kid, but they might. The testing programs supply paperwork which allows kids to get through the check-in process without ID.