Well, I'm not impressed with the WATS thing at this point. I really don't think we need them for either part of what they offer, which is the SAT/ACT testing and summer programs. The programs are offered through Colorado School of Mines, and you don't have to be signed up with talent search for those (just have to have lots of money, urgh). They push the testing through them, but you don't have to be signed up with them for young-age testing, either. In a couple of years, perhaps they would be useful, when it could help to keep the scores from being reported later on -- but under 13, they purge the scores at the end of the academic year unless you request otherwise, so I don't need WATS for that. The lady told me I was wrong (she did say she would check, but she didn't think so) about that.

It's possible, and I'll have to check and see, that WATS may have scholarships to the programs that we couldn't get anywhere else. That's about it, if that's the case.