I hope so as well. He didn't say much at the meeting but was writing things down. He said he would make sure DS has a decent eval to me on the phone about a month ago but we haven't talked since then.

I don't know if I'll be able to get services added to his IEP or not, but can probably get a 504. What kinds of modifications should I ask for? One thing I don't want DS to take is the timed, written CogAt next year to qualify for gifted programming. It was a ridiculous test for DD with her ADHD and I'm sure DS will do poorly on it as well. I'm not sure if they need to fill in a bubble sheet, or write things down on scratch paper or anything, but if there is any chance he will be at a disadvantage due to not being able to write (or slow), I don't want him given the test. His WISC IV GAI is above the cut off but they will probably consider that test too old by that time.