polarbear: I should have been more clear. My son is also a big concept kid, not at all interested in learning something like the times tables. He is still slow with his math facts. I meant that the other children actually do not know how to multiply. They can write out arrays and count the numbers. It sounds like they gave the grade the end of grade 2 test which means, at this school at least, you don't have to know how to multiply yet. I only know this because we happen to car pool with 2 of the kids and they talk shop in the car.

As far as the curriculum...they believe that DS can hang out while the other students catch up to his level. The problem that we are currently having is that DS has started to really complain about school and has already begun refusing to go to school. He continually asks why he can't go back with his accelerated group from last year. When I have asked the school, the only response I get is that they have discovered other children with the same talent. (At first it was a scheduling conflict, but the reason has changed.)

If DS is put in this group that is maybe doing 3rd grade work, while he needs to go onto 5th grade work, it will obviously still be a poor fit. Somehow, it has gotten into the principal's head that the fit will be "close enough". I have explained to her that being put in this group will be equally frustrating but it has fallen on deaf ears.

Truthfully, DS needs whole grade acceleration. But this is where we left off at the end of last year. So we will work on this piece and then go for the full acceleration (probably).

What concerns me (which I have shared with the school) is the refusing to go to school and the distrust that my son has developed regarding the adults at his school. He has already become quite cynical and jaded (anyone else? I know DS is PG but this is even a little shocking to me.) Ex. "How was your day DS?" "Well I didn't learn anything as usual. What do you expect from teachers who don't care and don't know anything."
