Our situation: DS7 was subject accelerated last year in math 3 years. No other child in the school was. Because of scheduling, they can't allow him to continue with that accelerated group. The school contacted me yesterday and told me they have a group of 5 kids in his grade who will be doing "accelerated work" in math (DS included). Sigh. Do I just keep repeating myself that this group will not be enough? Their claim is that they pretested the entire class and the 4 other kids scored as well as DS. I think this is a bold face lie. But I have no way to prove it of course. I can't exactly stand over them when it's math time to see what they are actually doing.

The other part of this is that DS7 has already started refusing to go to school..."not learning anything, so boring, etc."

Then the weird thing: last week the principal approached DS and asked him to build "an interesting contraption" for her. At home. I know this is her way of "offering enrichment". Do I follow up with this? DS asked me what he's supposed to do.