How many children are there in his grade? I wouldn't be too quick to dismiss the possibility that there's a handful of children working three years ahead - and think how great a grouping with them would be if it's true! I'd go with "wow, how exciting, I never realised, of course that'd be great" and be prepared to be sadly disappointed if it isn't true. Fingers crossed that it is, though!
ETA just to be clear - I realise your DS has DYS-level IQ and it would be too much to expect a handful with that. But my feeling is that you don't need IQ at that level to be 3yrs ahead in maths at this age. Whether age-peers doing the same maths are a better or worse social fit than +3yr peers ditto depends on your kid. One other possible benefit: in a group who are all ahead, they might be able to do things a lot more beneficial than the next year of syllabus. I think it might be worth giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Last edited by ColinsMum; 09/13/13 09:11 AM.

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