Final resolution but still a few details to be worked out...

Permission has now been finalized that he will accelerate to 4th grade math. Logistics do not allow for him to actually go to the 4th grade to take the class. So the next best thing is that he will take a FLVirtual class for 4th grade math. There are two providers one being k12 and one being a provider I have never heard of (not connections). I am going to be given a preview access to both and we will chose the one that best fits my son. I have had experience with k12 before but they are ever evolving and my older son used them in 2006 and 2007 for 1st and 2nd I don't expect it to be the same so I will need to look at it.

We will sit down as a team and draw up a new Education Plan with the details of this class and who is responsible for what. Also he will take the 3rd grade FCAT so there might be a break right before that for him to review for that (or it might be possible that they do one FCAT practice problem per day and it might be he participates in THAT and then heads to his computer to take his online class. Also he said the teacher will analyze his 3rd grade pretest and make a list of the questions he missed and fill those gaps.

I am happy with this solution because the only other option appears to be whole grade skip. There are two objections I have to whole 4th graders take the FCAT Writing portion and he is definitely not there yet and two he is in a special program and he would lose out on a whole year of the special program if he did that (dual language where he gets half his content in Spanish). Also, with this option he really and truly can go at his own pace. And I asked the lady who is giving me preview access and will ask again in writing at our next meeting that if he completes this, can he start in on 5th (within reason if it is near the end of the school year no point) but I want to make sure there is no rule about ONE year ONE class.

So what was the turn around? I think another meeting with the Vice Principal where all the details came out in a nice orderly fashion. And then the principal pulled him this morning to his office and gave him the 4th grade pretest (he had 82% and 85% on 3rd grade pretest) and he got a 74% on the 4th grade pretest. As he sat and worked on it the principal was impressed just with him as a student and his focus. And his STAR (the AR people at Renaissance Learning, not another test that is a California test) Math score gave a grade placement (not grade equivalent) of 7th grade (which you take as a grain of salt but still that is more than impressive) That plus is IQ score and WJ Broad Math score I think was finally enough data. And now EVERYONE is on board. So woohoo for persistent advocacy.

...reading is pleasure, not just something teachers make you do in school.~B. Cleary