I think it comes down to form versus function and the relative priorities assigned to each given any situation. Personally, I think that for a forum like this pretty pictures and snazzy razzmatazz are completely frivolous.

The most important things to me are speed to load on a suboptimal connection, ability to search, read and edit text. I am here to read and learn form what others have written here and to offer what little I have learned myself along the way.

As a dyed in the wool geek I find that function itself when presented elegantly is beautiful in its own right. A tool that you can look at, know what it's for and see that it is the perfect tool for the job is a delight to behold. That's how I find this site - it does the job perfectly - why gild the lily?

Last edited by madeinuk; 09/04/13 04:19 PM.

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