well of course there is no such thing as a "mathy mind" because we all are gifted with unlimited potential to do anything. Right?

I suppose they are just trying to encourage the child who is intimidated by math but it is rather silly. Telling me that there is no natural athletic ability does not suddenly make it possible for me to run a marathon in 2 hours no matter how long or hard I trained.

Anyway, I do like Ametrine's answer about "she likes to learn new things" although it amuses me because the question and answer seem to make sense on the surface but in reality they have nothing to do with each other and I haven't really answered the question at all.

I love Master of None's answer "not yet" but I don't want to sound terribly negative and have teacher start off defensive. She might just be concerned but she might be put off.

My DD only enjoyed her 30 min of "choice time" daily when she did art projects on her own. She learned nothing. She took months to make friends. BUT she didn't hate it either, she just didn't like it and it was a huge let down from her high expectations. Funny, now that she is anxious about 1st grade, she is looking back on kindergarten and saying she did like it. But in the moment, she sure didn't.

I sent the teacher an email to see if I can meet with her for a few minutes tomorrow so hopefully I can keep my answers short and explain more in person. I don't really want to put all my concerns on her little questionaire and call it good.