I was reading "I Am a Strange Loop" by cognitive scientist Douglas Hofstadter at lunch today, and he was talking about self-referential things and that made me think of this thread.

One factor that could lead to the "tricking" concept and 3rd person reference and a couple of other factors is if he is exeedingly introspective. If he basically sees himself looking at his own thoughts, then 3rd person would be a natural way to see that person doing the thinking. It can be a strong gift and a curse as well. As a kid through to around 14 I went in and out of a "way too introspective" self thing to the point that I greatly pulled into myself. I went longer with an anxiety of showing too much expression. My thinking would run like: if I knew I should smile to make someone feel at ease, but I was going to smile anyhow, then I would worry that I was actually manipulating the person and stop myself from smiling. I've mostly grown out of that.

Is he very good at describing his thinking and how he reached a conclusion? Can he talk through what other people are likely thinking?

Just another possible lens to consider.