Hello, I'm new here and wondering if anyone else has experienced any of these personality issues with their kids. My HG son, age 7, is extremely stubborn, negative, rigid, and frankly anxious and depressed. We took him to a neuropsych for testing and she said these are classic HG issues. She said that my son is immature, and the conflict between being HG and his immaturity is causing these issues. My daughter is also gifted, although not quite to the extent of my son, and she has none of these issues.

He also refers to himself in the 3rd person, which I have never really heard another kid his age do. He has been doing this consistently for over a year. It just emphasizes his "otherness" to the world.

He can be funny and delightful, but he can be really difficult to be around.

Because of all this, he has a hard time making friends. He tells me that he has to "trick" people into being his friend. A lot of his thinking is just so wrong. I asked the psych if this is what mental illness looks like at his age and she said no, his thinking is not disordered and she was not concerned.

We are taking him to a social group because his social skills need work, will be taking him to occupational therapy to address his writing aversion, smell hypersensitivity and hypersensitivity to pain. We are doing cognitive therapy, trying to address his negative thinking. I am discouraged, he has been like this his whole life and I want to help him. Anyone been there or have any observations? thanks