Your DS sounds like just the kind of child I've always daydreamed of having. (Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes except without his learning problems).

I agree with gabalyn and Jon. I know it's hard to watch a gifted child go on unfocused because you know he has the potential to succeed but as they say, you can lead a horse to water, but...

I don't think your DS minds that he is not driven. He is happy as he is. So why would he want to do anything differently?

Nurturing talent of any kind in children is a slow cooking process. It's not what he is or isn't doing right now that matters. Precocious abilities and/or accomplishments are not necessary for him to be successful later in life.

That being said, a friend's friend had a gifted child who had no drive, ambition, or focus. That bothered his parents greatly so they took him out of a gifted school that was warm and fuzzy and sent him to another school that pushed and pushed their students. It worked out well in this particular case but I'm not sure if that's a solution for every child.