Originally Posted by sciencelover
Unfortunately, at this point he hates writing and has no desire to ever get better. Intellectually he knows that he has to in order to get through school and achieve his goals (become a chemist), but that doesn't stop the negative attitude (which I'm not criticizing him for; I think it's understandable, but must be overcome somehow).

I'm probably biased in this respect since science is my love and career - but fwiw, I absolutely believe he'll be a-ok! Whether or not he ever figures out how to write. One thing that I've found to be really important for my ds is to keep giving him opportunities to follow his passions and areas of strength in spite of having to put in extra work in the area he's challenged in. I also try to keep *his* eye on the long term, and remind him that while he'll need to produce creative writing in high school, once he's in college it's quite likely he'll only have to focus on technical writing, and that really is easier for my ds, and I suspect it will be for your ds too based on what you've written here smile

Best wishes,
