Thank you for responding. He never really tells stories. He can recount things that happen very well verbally. His teacher last year commented on how it was frustrating for her because he was so eloquent when she talked to him, yet you would never know it by reading his papers. He does build and do art with original content sometimes, he especially loves coming up with intricately drawn paper and pencil games, although he does go for long periods where he doesn't because he can't think of anything.

I've never thought of him as a perfectionist, because he doesn't necessarily care if something he's doing or making turns out perfectly or not. However, he has always been very hesitant or just refused to try new things he wasn't sure he could do well. He also hates putting a lot of effort into things when they don't come easily. He does have a very hard time with decisions.

Even when he has a topic to write about, he has such a hard time coming up with anything. He went for many writing periods last year (grade 3) not getting a single sentence down on paper.

Thanks again for your response.