Don't apologize for posting here - your son is clearly twice exceptional. It's very unique struggle and the people here are wonderfully helpful and supportive. I can't give you specific help with the scores and I can't remember my sons off the top of my head; but, what I do have off the top of my head was the similarity with your son's fluid reasoning and working memory - my son has a similar gap - high fluid reasoning, low working memory ... In fact, my son's working memory score was exactly 106 like your son's scores. He had many of the other tests, too and I'd have to get his tests out to compare. I can tell you my son has Ehlers Danolos (and, so, he has physical limitations for writing because of his joints and poor muscle tone) and it is strongly suspected at this point that he has developmental coordination disorder and dysgraphia (my understanding is that dysgraphia almost always accompanies DCD and the DCD is very often co-morbis (caused by?) the Ehlers Danlos). I am taking him to eval'ed for the DCD and Dysgraphia formally by a neurpsych. There is suspicion that he has adhd inattententive but even though it LOOKS like he may have that I really think it's just the dysgraphia and DCD looking like adhd. Anyway hopefully someone else can help you more and welcome!