in september, DD5 and i are about to begin our homeschooling adventures. she can handle pretty much any math she meets, so in order to help identify the dreaded gaps and/or know where to start, i got her a Dreambox membership. (ps - whoever it was around here who mentioned it, THANK YOU!)

DD5 loves it (yay!) but she hit a little snag somewhere in the middle of Grade 3 with some money/time stuff she hadn't seen before. she's apparently farther ahead than i'd ever imagined, but now she's totally paralyzed with fear. in her mind, learning is all about displaying - like she's some sort of intellectual peacock.

sooooo, do y'all have any brilliant catchphrases, analogies or strategies? i could really use some fresh ones... thanks!

Last edited by doubtfulguest; 08/07/13 11:28 AM.

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.