She is not a kid who likes to check her work.

Pretty sure that the hypothetical children who DO like to do so probably ought to be watched closely for development of future OCD. Other children all seem to share a similar aversion to this activity, from what I've seen. wink

One possible 'cure' in children who are fairly amenable to remediation (some are more stubborn than others... not that I know anything about stubborn children or anything... HA); make the sample problems hard enough that they get MOST of them wrong if they skip that step.

Then keep feeding them problems until they get frustrated by the lack of success... and gently offer to 'help' and demonstrate CHECKING your own work.

Another strategy is to get the answer wrong yourself, and offer to let your child "find" your mistakes. DD really got good at checking her own work once I implemented that strategy.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.