Originally Posted by HowlerKarma
Don't be too surprised when schooling-- even with acceleration, even with GT differentiation, even with all of the other tricks that you can muster-- is a ROUGH, ROUGH road with one of these kids. They are all about mastery and full immersion, and they don't tolerate fools, low-level or repetitive information, or drill well. At all.

if they go into a schooling environment with a 1-3hr attention span (or, heaven help you-- LONGER), this is going to be a huge problem. Schools are set up for 10-minute 'activity' times for kids 4-6yo. Period. Even those things supposedly intended for HG children, it's seldom any better than a 30-40 min stretch, and then it's "stop, do something else, now let's do this different thing instead..."

Which drives kids like this berserk. Just noting that.

someday, HK i will find a post of yours that i don't want to just quote in its entirety.

so YES and double YES on the rough road in school. 1 year was enough for us - the kid literally did go berserk. mercifully, we are beginning homeschooling in the fall to save everyone's sanity - but... ha - now, the evil part of me wishes (not really) that i was sending her back there in september - just to see them try to deal with that 9-hour attention span they said wasn't possible. nothing like summer vacation to give a kid a sense of (intellectual) freedom!

Last edited by doubtfulguest; 07/08/13 10:03 AM.

Every Sunday it brooded and lay on the floor. Inconveniently close to the drawing-room door.