My neighbor has a seven year old daughter who has always been a bit foggy. In K she was identified for special ed and reading support since she could not pass Dibels and was having trouble with phonemic awareness. In first, she received more services and could not pass timed math tests and was not meeting grade level expectations for reading. Her parents finally took her for an outside assessment and the psychologist said that she has ADD (that was obvious) but that her IQ is in the high nineties. I didn't want to be rude, but I had to wonder if he meant high nineties as a final number not as a percentile, but the mom thought he meant percentiles. The written test will be sent out soon. I am floored. I have never seen anything that glimmers of giftedness in seven years. This psychologist also offers some alternative treatments for ADD. Every single test that was given at school had low scores, but every test he gave had high scores. Any thoughts on this "mystery"? Could the ADD be that thick that not one glimmer of brillance shown through in another circumstance, or might the mom be misunderstanding something, or could this guy be playing them? We are close neighbors and she watches my child a lot so now I am hearing quite abit about how smart her child is, but honestly, there are no outward signs. I am sure she will have an uphill battle with the school that has seen nothing on their own to detct brilliance. He tester did say she had a very low processing rate. I guess I am wondering if anyone else had a child that had such dramatic differences in testing from situation to situation.