OK. What about a pretty people class then? Since squishy drew that parallel for physical beauty?

Where the school would be setting policies for admission, and attendees would be selected based on whatever mix they settle on -- whichever kids the teacher think are cutest, plus some kind of semi-scientific evaluation based on how symmetric their faces are plus their BMI? And the same subset of slightly deranged parents would invest in make up, hairdressers, and even (for the looniest ones that make headlines) surgery?

Based on the OP I assumed that GATE group worked the way it does at our school -- a semi-secret after-school program run by parent volunteers with a minor grant from the PTA and no school involvement beyond initial identification (and there are hilarious stories about *that* part). In that case, have them in the yearbook!

Having kids singled out in the yearbook based on an innate trait I would be much, much less happy about.