cc6: As I understand it, it isn't just the antibiotics taken by the child, it goes back generations because mothers milk is how the gut is populated with the good and necessary flora. If mom or grandma had antibiotics, they would be lacking in the proper balance and unable to pass on some necessary strains through the milk. Then things like pasteurization and processing/ microwaving etc of food eliminates the flora the food would have otherwise provided. The objective of the GAPS diet is to consume a large variety of probiotics in an attempt to fix the imbalance and get the gut working as nature intended.

As for breakfast, I'm happy with fruit or protein shakes or eggs. If you are looking for substitutes for typical kids fare, check out "Edible Harmony" on Facebook, it's a SAHM who posts recipes that her kids love, I saw one recently for almond flour pancakes with cacao chocolate sauce that looked good, also some kind of porridge made with dried coconut flakes. I haven't tried the recipes but apparently her kids love them.