Two years is a very long time to be at a school that you're not happy with.

DS was subject accelerated 2 years in math and science, but only after about a year of asking. Logistically, it *was* a challenge, but it was doable. He wound up missing some subjects in order to be in the accelerated classes. And in the end it didn't work out, but I think it could have if the school had acted differently when we first requested it.

I can see long term why the school may be concerned about the logistics of subject acceleration. In addition to scheduling problems, there is also the question of what grade to accelerate into after some number of years. In our case we were going from 2nd to 4th grade classes, so we would have had a couple of years to figure out what to do when DS got into the upper grades of the school. I'm not giving the school a pass, but I do appreciate that it's not necessarily a trivial problem.

Could you suggest getting him an EPGY account (or something similar) for math, and allow him to work at his own pace on a computer in class or the library?

Our eventual answer (to a similar problem) was to pull DS from school and start homeschooling. Trying to force the school to do something they're not very well set up to do was very draining.