Sooo... the principle wouldn't take our letter requesting the process to begin, refused to look at the cognitive section, and declared that she only had so many aids, and she couldn't give him one (I didn't ask for that, or say anything at all of the kind).

erm. illegal much?

I think she's just ill-informed, and she extended an olive branch on a minor point, but this does not bode entirely _well._

The school's particulars did not prepare me for this eventuality. I was expecting them to have it all in hand. ARG.

NOTE: there is substantial good news: we met with our ASD advocate last week, and she's pretty darned awesome. We've looked things up again, and now know exactly what to add to our request letter to make it plain as day that we want an ENTRY to school plan. ARG. It will all be ok. We're just not entirely immune to bumps in teh road, apparently.

Last edited by Michaela; 06/14/13 04:03 PM.

DS1: Hon, you already finished your homework
DS2: Quit it with the protesting already!