Our IEP is just a 'regular' one... no mention of giftedness, but here's what we have in it so far:

Preferential seating (next to teacher if possible)
Verification that DS has understood assignments/homework (he doesn't always catch that something is required work)
Access to the Spec Ed resource room if anxious/upset
Extended time on tests if necessary
100mins per week with the Spec Ed teacher - this basically translates to spending the last 20mins of each day with her. They go over what's in his backpack, verify he's got his homework, discuss anything that happened that day, etc. This has been AMAZING. The end of the day was always a trigger due to the chaos and noise.

He also will receive counseling through a private office (paid for by the school) every other week. We actually ended up knowing the psychologist they brought in to evaluate him, so yay for that! They will work on his anxiety, pragmatics and anything else he needs/wants.

Things we might request in the future for him:

A note-taking device, such as an voice recorder or ipod
Staff assistance during class changes (in 5, iirc, the kids all start having different schedules, so they have to get to the next class on their own)

He also is allowed to keep protein-heavy snacks (beef jerky, for example) with the nurse and Spec Ed teacher so he can run and get a snack when he needs it. He's a hot mess when he's hungry!
