DS skipped kindergarten, but in 1st grade he had both IEP and ALP, so the gifted stuff was all in the ALP.

We have had things in the IEP like preferential seating (don't trap him between other kids), allow snacks, can go to quiet area (reading corner or whatever) when needed, can go to see counselor when he feels it necessary, but the most important for us was the stipulation that he would not be suspended or expelled on behavior issues.

His Asperger's gave us some rough years in the behavior territory, and without that, he would have been kicked out under the normal rules -- one year he had six pink slips. He would get so frustrated at various things (the way the other kids didn't understand him, something he felt should be a certain way and it wasn't, somebody got in his way when he wanted something, etc.) and he would yell inappropriate things, insults or threats, and once he hit his best friend for getting to the light switch before he did. The school was fabulous about counseling and behavior training and social skills classes and groups, and by 5th grade we didn't even renew the IEP anymore, although of course he still has Asperger's. Not a single pink slip this year, woohoo! smile

But if you have any concerns about behavior and social skills, I would definitely get that into the IEP. He would receive various in-school detentions, lose lunch recesses and/or sit in the principal's office or whatever, and he did lose his spot on student council in 4th grade when he had worked so hard to get elected, but they worked on solving the problem rather than just kicking him out of school, which let off some of the pressure for us.