I see your son is 9, my DD mentioned above really started integrating and overcoming at about 9. She's improved dramatically 9-11. Which has been both miraculous and also illuminating in terms of the underlin issues that remain. My DH was a late bloomer, as was I, I can think of other friends too who were in remedial everything in lower primary and took of like a rocket somewhere around 5-7 grades. I wonder if this is a common 2e thing. The 2e is still there, but less crippling. Which leaves you to figure out - what does he need to know about himself to best support and maintain a happy and healthy adult life? It might not be the overt symptoms of his younger years. Though it may be related (same causes). That's not very diagnosic or practical I know. Just musing on his progress in areas you hadn't noticed (counting objects).