Me again. Sorry to keep adding these random thoughts in dribs and drabs. My DD with CAPD is also dyslexic (and has AS). When we were first looking at the dyslexia something we were told was that dyslexia is now considered primarily an auditory problem (ie with hearing the sounds in words, phonemic awareness, phonetic awareness, and in my DDs case a major problem with the ability to sounds/concepts to symbols, but I read something yesterday that made me think this part was the AS at work). My DD did not particularly have problems with reversals etc, she simply did not comprehend the idea of symbols for sounds/concepts AT ALL, it was like the words weren't on the page. And she has major sequencing issues.

My DD has overt auditory processing issues, subtle visual issues and it adds up to dyslexia. I am intrigued that your son seems to possibly have a similar, yet kind of opposite pattern.