This board is the best place I've found to communicate with others who have been down this road. I am incredibly grateful for your responses and experiences. I have lots of questions...

I thought to look at the learning standards for the grade levels they are testing him with... I am seeing Language Arts standards regarding punctuation usage and terms like adverb and pronoun that he has no knowledge of. I also see Social Studies standards about things like government that he won't know. Although if you asked him to identify presidents or facts about them or all the nations of Africa and where they were located within that continent he would ace that. Looking at Science standards, he has mastered all elementary and some middle and high school ones.

So is/was it an issue to have those types of gaps?? Would learning new stuff in language arts or social studies be enough new info to challenge?

I'm most interested in his best fit and it does scare me to "lose" years of his life. Though I'd rather lose years than lose his beautiful little spark and joy. I've seen that before in our school experiences and I know he needs to face challenge academically. I was personally very checked out by the time school got around to attempting to challenge me.

HK I had always feared they wouldn't address his other needs because handwriting and output is a big issue for him. He's listed as R/O Disorder of Written Expression in his diagnoses from our Neuro Psychiatrist. They haven't once mentioned his writing to me. They seem fine with him at this school whereas the last 2 thought it was a major issue, as did our original tester. For writing, his age placement is about correct as I see it.