This one is not aimed at giftedness but at multiple disorders and how they present - including discussing that a child who's borderline for multiple issues can be impossible to diagnose while also being as impaired as a hold who has a classic presentation of a single condition.

Not to hijack, but I am very interested in this book! Have you read it? DD presents as borderline for a LOT of things but nothing really stands out as THE thing, and a # of things have been ruled out, supposedly. She confounds people regularly.

FWIW DD really seemed suspicious for CAPD from the checklists, although she was certainly missing the academic problems that often come with it.

One other thing I would mention is SPD. DD is very sensitive to loud noises, another CAPD sign, but the diagnostician asked us some questions about it and suggested SPD might be the culprit.

Last edited by ultramarina; 05/03/13 08:13 PM.