I could use some help. I thought dd would grow out of this, but it doesn't seem to be happening. I scourer the internet trying to figure out what it is but haven't come across anything that fits. I'm not looking for a diagnosis for her, I just want help figuring it out and to be able to help her.

Okay this might be long.

DD is 6, when she is with DH and I, or my mom, or a few of our friends who she has been around a lot, she talks a ton. In new situations, new people...especially in a group, she is extremely quiet and withdrawn.

In groups of kids she stands on the sidelines and watches and then tells me she feels left out. I have noticed that she does not answer kids when they talk to her in a group setting. When I talk to her later she says "I didn't hear them." Her hearing is fine, it's been tested and she hears me on the phone from the other room and comes running to put her 2 cents in. In groups she has a hard time following the directions given by the teacher, leader, etc. It seems like she doesn't hear them or comprehend them. The leader has to go up individually and give her the directions or she just stands there. One on one, again, no problem hearing and following the directions.

Another thing I have noticed, DD can NOT remember names. Unless she is one on one with a person and hangs around them, she can not remember names and will tell me about the person by describing them, down to what they were wearing the first time she met them. She has been in Brownies all year and still doesn't know the girls in her troops names besides 2 of them who she hangs out with a lot. If I mention a name, she asks which one that is and starts describing.

When she was younger, I thought she might be on the spectrum. A psy she saw at 4 said she wasn't and the behavors stemmed from giftedness.

She is still really uncomfortable with loud noises, often has her fingers in her ears in groups, crowds, even with a piano playing. She has a hard time looking at people when she talks, she looks down, over your shoulder, etc. I have talked to her about this but it hasn't helped and she says it feels uncomfortable.

So we did have her evaluated, but just IQ and achievement testing and she scored high enough for DYS but with WM and PS just on the high average range.

Please give me some advice. I just want her to feel comfortable. I want her to be able to make friends. I want to know what is going on.

Homeschooling on a remote island at the edge of the world.