I know this is a HOT topic. Personally I do NOT advocate full enrollment in college at this age for even the brightest. First just because he can do well on a college assessment does not mean he has all the skills necessary for college level classes. My husband started taking college classes at 14 (at Stanford, this was in late 70's & his parents lived in town), but only in math. This was long before EGPY or online college courses. My in-laws decided to keep him in regular classes and only accelerate where necessary. I WENT to college with an 11 year old boy, and that was a huge disaster in the end. He was NOT socially really to be in college. After getting his BA in math he went back to junior high. (LONG story for another time)

For home schoolers there are lots of great options online for him to take high school/college classes and to be challenged while still being a kid. One huge advantage of the internet. One example is standford EGPY where your son can take college courses. There are many great gifted summer programs. Perhaps he can take a class or two at a local community college. Have you seen, http://www.aleks.com/. (Disclaimer I know the people behind this program)

I want to also ask the question. WHY? What is the goal at having him in college now?

Last edited by bluemagic; 05/01/13 04:15 PM.