He is currently in 7th grade and homeschooled.

Okay, but if he's taking college coursework and is 'ready for college' then he's not a seventh grader, n'est pas?

Do you mean that he of an AGE to be a 7th grader?

Or that in some particular interest areas, he is ready for college-level work?

Or do you mean that he is, in a broad sense, ready to be enrolled as a regular college student?

Those things require very different approaches.

If he's a gifted 7th grader with an area of profound gifts and needs basically subject acceleration, then start with the appropriate department person at a local college-- or better still, at a community college (they'll be more open to homeschooled students doing this in a lot of locations). That may not require a general admission process.

If he's truly ready for college as a regular freshman student, then you're going to need to locate the person at the college who handles VERY young college entrants. There is usually someone. It's complicated because of concerns about safety/liability in some coursework and dorm settings, etc. They may want to meet with him (and you) to determine whether or not he possesses the maturity to be independent in that setting or not.

I would, however, STOP referring to him as a 7th grader in that case. Because if he's mastered the material expected of high school students, then say that an emphasize that he is a homeschooled student who is ready for post-secondary work.

In that case, what each college will want as documentation of his completion of some kind of high school curriculum is going to vary-- but you'll need to determine that by referring to your child as a "homeschooled" student who is finished with high school level work.

HTH-- Good luck!

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.